...designed for meditation and improvisation.
Created by Thomas Wang & Jingyu Kim at AHO for the course Interactive Spaces.
Supervised by Nicholas Stevens and Hans Gerhard Meier.
Hardware: Projector, camera, PC & hifi system. Software: VVVV & Ableton Live.
Created by Thomas Wang & Jingyu Kim at AHO for the course Interactive Spaces.
Supervised by Nicholas Stevens and Hans Gerhard Meier.
Hardware: Projector, camera, PC & hifi system. Software: VVVV & Ableton Live.

See and hear it in action. Headphones advised!
How it works:
The camera and projector is placed under the board seeing whether or not there is something covering each hole. A brightness threshold for each of 20 individually mapped areas triggers a midi note sent to Ableton Live which plays a selection of samples looped accordingly to create repeating sequences.
The outer circle triggers piano samples in a pentatonic scale, inner circle plays mellow single note pads, center slot plays long slow bass note. Move the “stones” around to create harmonies and rythmic patterns and start improvising.
The outer circle triggers piano samples in a pentatonic scale, inner circle plays mellow single note pads, center slot plays long slow bass note. Move the “stones” around to create harmonies and rythmic patterns and start improvising.
Adding delays and lush reverbs from Valhalla DSP to enhance the ambience.
Thanks to Joshua von Hofen for excellent VVVV tech support!