Mail: thomaswangj (at) gmail (dot) com
Phone: +NO 936 90 460
Social media: instagram / linkedin / facebook

Making things work

Spring 2020 I presented my diploma and got my masters degree from The Oslo School of Architecture and Design, in the field of interaction design. I am currently employed as a UX/UI designer in startup business Protojour AS developing understandable flows in critical systems for complex operations. Before this I was at Cognite, designing new features for the InField application.
Through the years I have also built a career in the music industry as an sound engineer, producer and musician. This has led me across the world meeting wonderful people, solving problems along the way. I have built my own studio and have been working from Urban Sound Studios since 2007, producing and mixing music with a range of Norwegian and international projects. I have also released a handful of albums and toured as a musician in various alternative bands. Here's a Spotify playlist of projects I have been involved with.
I love creating cool and useful things, fixing ones that are broken, experimenting with art and multimedia installations, travelling, seeing new things and being by the ocean.
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