During rush hours on cold winter days air pollution often exceeds what health authorities allow, sometimes even becoming hazardous.
The main source of air pollution is NO2 emission and dust particles from car traffic in combination with atmospheric inversion caused by cold air trapped in the Oslo valley. The SMOGLINER is a device that uses live air quality data updated hourly from Hjortnes measuring station by E18 in Oslo to visualise the changing local air pollution over time as charcoal graph on paper.
The main source of air pollution is NO2 emission and dust particles from car traffic in combination with atmospheric inversion caused by cold air trapped in the Oslo valley. The SMOGLINER is a device that uses live air quality data updated hourly from Hjortnes measuring station by E18 in Oslo to visualise the changing local air pollution over time as charcoal graph on paper.
Last project of the AHO Tangible Interactions course 2018. I was using the Particle Photon wifi circuit board and data from the API at luftkvalitet.info to control stepper motor and DC motor from a discarded printer. Supervised by Nick Stevens.

Check out the video: