LABORATE is a service that connects singers with music producers. An intuitive mobile app lets singers record and share lyrical sketches directly onto instrumental tracks by nearby producers to spark dialogue and future collaboration.
The app is the digital front end of a service based on local involvement and events such as workshops, concerts and competitions at youth clubs and venues, plus it features a product line of custom made magnetic earphones with built in condenser microphone! When testing out the concept I composed a track and asked young singers and rappers from X-Ray Youth Culture House to contribute.
AHO GK6 Project 2017
Supervised by Vera Pahle, Ted Matthews, Sara Hardy, Kathinka Bryn Bene and Diogo Valério.
Supervised by Vera Pahle, Ted Matthews, Sara Hardy, Kathinka Bryn Bene and Diogo Valério.
wanted to explore ways to connect youth with each other through music. I talked to professional and amateur artists, producers and youth club leaders to find out how they meet, how they work and what their needs were. There is a void in cultural and social activities in urban areas today for youth below 18 that far too often leads to crime and drug abuse. I discovered how local youth clubs have helped kids from the streets and poor areas of Oslo into small studios and stages to discover unhidden talents, later to become well known artists we hear on the radio every day. This spawns other to follow and creates a positive feedback loop of creative rather than destructive behaviour.
My main findings were that through relations and mastery of a skill, be it singing, rapping, music production or other creative arts, is preventive to both crime and prejudice.
LABORATE is based on mastery and relations rather than competition and commercialism.
It is meant to be the easiest and most intuitive tool for songwriters to share ideas.
It is meant to be the easiest and most intuitive tool for songwriters to share ideas.
The Laborate app
for connecting singers with music producers through instant idea sharing:

The physical product : Laborate earphones powered by JBL

Visual identity: Bold, colorful and empathic

Service journey map: