By using extruded aluminium as production method,
I chose to reinvent the ancient viking game known as HNEFATAFL!
I chose to reinvent the ancient viking game known as HNEFATAFL!
AHO Design GK4 Project

The game rules resembles those of chess but with an unsymmetrical setup.
All pieces move like the tower in chess, along the x and y axis on the board and must use 2 pieces to capture 1 or more of enemy pieces. The white defenders must defend the king (in the center) and lead him to one of the corners to win. The black attackers must capture the king from all sides or along a wall to win the game. It is actually a quite enjoyable game that rewards tactic skill and planning.
All pieces move like the tower in chess, along the x and y axis on the board and must use 2 pieces to capture 1 or more of enemy pieces. The white defenders must defend the king (in the center) and lead him to one of the corners to win. The black attackers must capture the king from all sides or along a wall to win the game. It is actually a quite enjoyable game that rewards tactic skill and planning.

Prototyping process:
Drawings and Results:

Packaging as christmas gifts with "København" rulebook

Version 2.0 with oak board and wooden game pieces