Cognite Infield is a responsive web application that provides field technicians with continuously updated information such as sensor data, 3D models, documents and work orders. By putting the information at their fingertips, there is no need to print out documents or search for and mentally integrate information from multiple complex interfaces before heading out. Infield allows users to plan and execute their daily tasks in one application, thereby facilitating better decision-making, avoiding hazardous situations and increasing efficiency and safety. See more at
Thanks to the InField team, it won the prestigous Red Dot design award for interface design 2020.

InField 7.0 : Routine Rounds - The end of manual paper checklists
By using InField 30-80% time spent is saved on maintenance work.
Routine rounds and daily checks however are not a part of the maintenance plans, but are executed on intervals like every shift (day&night), once a day, or weekly to ensure a safe working environment offshore. Today these checklists are stored in excel sheets, word docs or pdfs, etc, printed out and filled out by hand, often archived only as a paper copies. By extensive user insight, interviews and sketching, I together with the InField team and AkerBP workers developed a flexible solution for creating repeating task checklists on desktop that can be shared within the disciplines and executed on mobile device in the field to ensure transparency and
InField 7.0 with Routine Rounds is rolled out and being tested offshore on Alvheim plant making daily maintenance safer, faster and more effective. By making templates, users can recreate and collaborate on shared checklists for each week, and finally deliver a digital report at the end of the week.
Routine rounds and daily checks however are not a part of the maintenance plans, but are executed on intervals like every shift (day&night), once a day, or weekly to ensure a safe working environment offshore. Today these checklists are stored in excel sheets, word docs or pdfs, etc, printed out and filled out by hand, often archived only as a paper copies. By extensive user insight, interviews and sketching, I together with the InField team and AkerBP workers developed a flexible solution for creating repeating task checklists on desktop that can be shared within the disciplines and executed on mobile device in the field to ensure transparency and
InField 7.0 with Routine Rounds is rolled out and being tested offshore on Alvheim plant making daily maintenance safer, faster and more effective. By making templates, users can recreate and collaborate on shared checklists for each week, and finally deliver a digital report at the end of the week.

"Digitale Sjekklister er kjempeviktig. Skulle det oppstå en hendelse, så har vi bevisstgjøring rundt hvilke sjekker som ikke er gjort og kan gjøre kompenserende tiltak. Det vil øke vår sikkerheten ombord. Ikke minst vil det gjøre effektiviteten rundt det å utføre sjekkene enklere.“
- Håvard T. Haslerud - Manager, Operations Excellence
"Digitale sjekklister, det er veien videre, og lykke til til alle sammen som skal ta dette i bruk. Dette er en viktig bidragsyter til like ting likt og en rflyteffektiv linje av første linje vedlikehold. Jeg gleder meg til å se det i bruk på alle installasjoner i AkerBP."
- Kristine Sørensen - Manager Reliability & Maintenance